Simplicidade, praticidade, leveza. Produtos para a vida real.

Produtos para a vida real.

Compre aqui!

Resfriada, mas não acabada


Olá amigas! Estamos no meio do feriado mas eu fiquei em SP por conta do trabalho, só ontem que consegui aproveitar para não fazer nada.

Mas isso não importa. O que eu tenho para contar é que fiquei muito resfriada nessa semana que passou (eu e a torcida do Corinthians porque tava todo mundo). E como não poderia deixar de ser, dava para ver na cara minha condição.


Bom, eu não acredito em ficar com a expressão abatida em nenhuma ocasião que não seja ficar debaixo do cobertor, e por isso dá-lhe maquiagem para disfarçar. A seguir, os truques e produtos que usei para basicamente colocar um rosto na minha casa. Fotos mais tarde!

. Pele radiante é fundamental para indicar que você está ótima melhor impossível. Por isso, não deixe os cuidados básicos de limpeza e hidratação de lado, e acredite no poder de uma fina camada de base para uniformizar. Um toque de iluminador nas têmporas ajuda na radiância. E claro, corretivo em volta do nariz que costuma ficar vermelho de tanto contato com lenços de papel.

. Blush é o óbvio ululante, já que é o clássico ar de saúde. O que mais usei foi o Desert Rose, da MAC, um rosa que quando comprei achei que seria too much pro meu tom de pele bem branco mas deixa um corado ótimo.

. O que mais fica com aparência de acabado é o olho né? Então força no corretivo, usei muito o Touche Éclat que ilumina + corretivo por cima, meu Studio Finish de sempre. Nas pálpebras e rente aos cílios inferiores, mais iluminador, passei um pouco do Iridescent Belighthful da MAC, um pouco do Copacabana da Nars e um pouco do Mr. Frosty da Benefit. Um belo mix. Depois lápis bege dentro pra abrir o olhar e por fim, muito mais muito curvex e rímel.

Não deixe brechas para aqueles malas que assim que olham para você exclamam “nossa mas como você está abatida!”. Não dá para ouvir isso né?


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57 replies on “Resfriada, mas não acabada”

Como usar maquiagem pra mim é regra e não usar só em casos de emergência extrema, não me acham com cara de doente quando estou doente, mas quando eu saio sem maquiagem.

Eu já me preparo pra ouvir: nossa, o que aconteceu? que olheiras! vc tah pálida! tah doente? não dormiu?

O que eu posso fazer, né?! Sou branca gringa, com hábitos noturnos e olho de oriental.

Oi, Vi!!

Qual é a marca de lápis bege que vc usa?? Vc tem um local onde vc compra make aqui em SP??


Oie!Já leio teu blog a um tempo,mas quase nunca comento..Sei lá,acho que por não saber taaanto de maquiagem e afins,mas adooorooo e acho que tenho aprendido um monte lendo aqui!Essas dicas de maquiagem pra quando você tá resfriada é o que há,ainda mais pra mim,que tenho um pouco de rinite alérgica,ou seja,vivo espirrando e com os olhos lacrimejando..hehe…Por sinal,tu podia falar de uma boa marca de rímel a prova dagua??Eu uso um da loreal,aquele que tem a parte branca e a preta,que até segura bem e tudo,mas tem dias que eu terminou parecendo um panda..!hehe!

oi, Victoria. Eu uso o lápis bege da Contém 1g, pq tenho o olho pequeno, acho que dá uma aumentadinha! Me diz uma coisa, eu tenho uma marquinha no lábio inferior, causada por uma herpes.. daí qdo passo batom, não fica tão perfeitinho. Não gosto daqueles lápis que contornam a boca… o que eu posso fazer pra dar uma “uniformizada” na linha da boca. E o que mais pode ser feito para “abrir o olhar” (eu tenho olhos pequenos, como falei, meio asiáticos…)

Concordo! cara de abatida, nunca! passo corretivo e pó até pra ficar em casa.
e melhoras pra vc Victoria =]

Fiquei com uma dúvida: o Touche Éclat não é corretivo?

No mais, sigo em minha temporada carioca e vc não vai acreditar: a M.A.C. desse balneário está sem Mineralize e sem Russian Red. Eu crente que ia aproveitar o mãetrocínio me dei mal, muito mal…

Vic, melhoras para você.
Ah!!!! Tá linda na Vogue Passarelas, adorei te ver de Ray Ban, é a primeira vez que te vejo com óculos. Ficou linda!!!!

nossa, eu odeio a aparência de quando estou resfriada, o que está acontecendo nesse exato momento. o problema é que quando eu tô gripada minha pele fica super sensível, me dá uma afliçãozinha passar maquiagem, não sei. dá um desânimo de se arrumar, mas é pior ainda sair com aquela cara UÓ e aquelas olheiras piores ainda.
amo maquiagem e adorei o blog, vou adicionar no s links do meu, ok? :D

Oi!! Primeira vez que entro aqui, achei muito legal e diferente parabéns!

Nossa, eu faço muito isto de passar muita maquiagem principalmente se eu durmo muito e acordo com o rosto feio o.õ
pena que eu acabei de fazer um peeling, nao to podendo passar muita coisa no rosto, fica terreivel! =/

se importa se eu linkar seu site no meu?

fiquei com a mesma dúvida que a Ale Garattoni. já tinha reparado vc comentar do touche eclat como iluminador e eu sempre usei como corretivo…

Estou com uma alergia na pele há alguns dias e li em outro post que você usa água termal quando está com algum machucadinho na pele. O que você acha da água termal da La Roche-Posay? E da Vichy?
Boas melhoras pra você!
Feliz Páscoa!

Oi GENTE, que bom que temos esse espaço para nos ajudar e tirar nossas dúvidas, gostaria que alguém que já usou me diga se é bom mesmo a BASE SPRAY da DIOR SKIN AIR FLASH 200, aguardo resposta ,,,,OBRIGADA BEIJOS A TODAS

Camila, tb sofro desse mau!

Mari, tb tô super curiosa sobre a base spray da Dior!!!

Vic, melhora logo! Tb fiquei resfriada nesses dias, entendo perfeitamente! E amei vc na Vogue Passarelas!

– Baume de Nuit, da Bourjois: senti a hidratação dos lábios de um dia p/ outro (é p/ ser usado de noite), amei e recomendo!
– Deep Cleansing Gel: refrescância imediata!
– Normaderm FPS 15: ainda não usei, mas todo mundo fala bem horrores, né?!

Boa Páscoa!!!!

Mari e Priscila, eu comprei a Dior Skin Air Flash em dezembro e de fato é ótima!! Tem uma textura bem leve mas uma ótima cobertura. E é bem facil de aplicar. Em poucos minutos você já está com o rosto perfeito. Vale a pena o investimento!

Espero ter ajudado ;) Beijinho

A muito obrigada pelos votos (?) de melhoras!De fato já melhorei e agora posso me dar ao luxo de passar apenas um pouco de Studio Fix (a base mor para quando estou com preguiça), blush, corretivo e curvex sem ficar com aquela face terrível.
Vou fazer um post sobre água termal e sobre o Touche Éclat pra esclarecer melhor ok? Enquanto isso, Camila, eu tenho o mesmo problema que você, quando minha mãe me vê sem maquiagem logo pergunta se eu to doente (mas você tá tão pááálida) hahaha. Raquel, assim como a Alessandra, eu uso o lápis bege da Contém 1g. Coloquei ele na matéria de lápis bege que fiz no Chic, ai acho que esqueci de contar aqui! Ou contei? Bom, tá lá no site pra quem quiser ver. Agora, quando tenho que comprar make em SP eu normalmente me rendo a MAC e a Caléche ou Phyta, mas isso é raro porque tenho a sorte de ter uma mãe viajante para pedir as coisas caras, e também acabo recebendo alguns lançamentos por causa do trabalho jornalístico.
Roberta, sobre rímel a prova d’água, eu gosto dos da Lancôme, sempre me dei bem. Uso o Hypnose ou o L’Extreme. Alessandra, eu também abomino contorno de boca aparecendo, mas no seu caso talvez seja uma boa solução, claro que fazendo ele sumir. Tenta um lápis bem da cor da sua boca, ou bem da cor do batom que você vai usar, ou então pinta a boca toda com o lápis para fazer o contorno sumir, e passa o batom por cima. Você já fez isso?
Laiz, peeling é uóóó não mesmo pra usar maquiagem fiquei muito deprimida quando fiz… Mari, sei que já rolou uma resposta sobre a Air Flash, outra pessoa que ama é a Ale Garattoni, ela já me contou e se ler a sua dúvida com certeza vai indicar!!! Mas eu devo dizer que ainda prefiro a tradicional base líquida + pincel. Sou tradicional hehe.

Oi, Vi!!

Obrigada pelas dicas de onde comprar… Até abrir uma Sephora aqui (de preferência com os preços de lá), a gente vai se virando com as encomendas pra quem vai, né? Aliás, pedi um esmalte azul da Dior (Poison Blue), vc conhece ao vivo??


tudo bom?
então, minha mãe chegou hoje de viagem e comprou o rímel virtuôse da lancôme, então tirei aquela minha dúvida que tinha te perguntado sobre se no freeshop tem coisas novas..realmente tem!
outra coisa que eu queria saber é se existe alguma “regra” na maquiagem quando eu quero usar blush rosa?!?! por exemplo, carregar no olho, o famoso lápis beje, tem alguma coisa que vc indica ou que vc acha que deve ser evitado? Obrigada!!!

Vim aqui checar sobre a resposta do Touche Eclat (aguardarei ansiosa!!) e vi os comments da Airflash. Realmente indico! Para preguiçosinhas como eu, é a vida, já que em 5 segundos sua pele está com uma cobertura perfeita. O único ponto negativo é que você precisa de um certo treino pra ir pegando o jeito, sabe? Eu ainda estou nessa fase… Você tem que testar pra ver a quantidade ideal, o local perfeito para mirar o spray etc. Ahh e também cheguei a conclusão que é bom usar uma touquinha de banho na hora da aplicação pq SEMPRE acaba escapando um pouco pros cabelos e eles ficam com aparência de cabelo de vovó, meio como se estivessem com talco, sei lá!
Mas mesmo com a necessidade do treino e da touquinha, vale cada centavo!!
bjo bjo
p.s. Vic, como sou mesmo ansiosa já ia comprar o Touche ontem mesmo né? Vc acredita que também NÂO achei aqui?!! Agora sei exatamente pq decidi ir morar em SP!!

Vic, tb estou esperando pela resposta da Heloísa, tenho uma tendência forte p/ “Emília” quero saber o que posso e o que ñ posso…

Hahaha Ale, realmente, não achar Mineralize, Russian Red E Touche Éclat é demais pra cabeça de qualquer pessoa!!! É por isso que eu tb não tenho muita vontade de morar em outro lugar que não SP viu…
Raquel, tenho uma amiga que tem o Poison Blue e já vi ela usando, é bem bonito. Heloísa e Camis, na minha cabeça blush rosa vai bem com quase tudo, levando em consideração que tem mil e um tons de rosa. O único cuidado é para não ficar too much com cara de criança, o que pode ser evitado fazendo um olho mais marcadinho. Mas digo isso porque não sei o rosto de vocês, porque eu, braquinha como sou e na fase atual, uso blush rosa com qualquer make que faço! Por isso acho que o que mais vale mesmo é testar, testar e testar.

Olá, Victoria. Obrigada pela sua dica. Já tentei fazer isto, mas o lápis deixou meus lábios muito secos!! Não lembro qual era na época, mas vou tentar uns mais oleosos… obrigada!

Raquel, fiquei curiosa com esse esmalte da Dior… Por acaso é o que a Eva Green usa na propaganda do Midnight Poison? Onde vc achou pra pedir?

Olá, há pouco conheci este “espaço gostosinho” compartilhar, acredito ser a melhor maneira de “aprender e conhecer” já que os produtos já passaram pela “experiência” de cada uma de nós, simplesmente ótimo, Bem quero deixar minha experiência com a Água Thermal é simplesmente ótima, hidrata e forma um filme protetor na pele, também após a maquiagem, uma pequena borrifada ( preferência a deixar a Água 15 minutinhos na geladeira), mantém impecável, principalmente se for esticar um pouquinho na noite….beijos !!!!!

Spending income on new pieces of furniture to construct our comfy and handy interior space may not be an option for those with small cash on their hand. They commonly opt for utilised furnishings, but it features a couple of drawbacks. How ought to we worth, search and inspect it, is crucial so listed here are 5 guidelines you must contemplate for a sensible purchasing decision.

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1. Inspecting furniture – This is the first issue you ought to think about, because problem could be the most critical element in identifying value. If you want to produce sure your home furniture seriously isn’t going to fall apart within the next couple of months don’t acquire on impulse. Instead, take your time and inspect each piece completely. If that it is made of top quality wood, with great joints plus a fine bonding glue you are going to buy the furnishings with confidence, not with fear.

2. Use it initial – Considering that you won’t be in a position to determine one of the most crucial components, you should test the home furniture first. Lean on tables and tip back chairs. If it’s a sofa make confident the frame seriously isn’t altered so go ahead, squeeze the arms and chairs and also extend it for making positive people metallic parts are functioning fine.

3. Know your space – The size of the rooms plus the dimensions of the entrances or the stairs are extremely essential facts you really should be mindful of, should you do not desire to keep the home furniture with your garage. You’re paying real cash so far better verify if you are able to place it in and if it fits nicely with your other pieces.

4. Have a finances – If you desire to be a sensible shopper then having a price range and sticking to it, is crucial. Make your program and make a decision how much you’ll be able to pay for to spend for each and every item and negotiate down towards the last dollar. Also, do not overlook the delivery cost. See if the seller gives delivery and if not, make guaranteed that if you add it on the total expense it’s a fine amount that you can afford.

5. In which to locate bargains – Yes, it can be doable to decorate your room even if it is with employed household furniture, but where by can we discover the very best costs? There are bargains galore at garage revenue, flea markets, online auctions, regional consignment stores, junk merchants, rental pieces of furniture outlets, salvage yards, warehouse outlet product sales and neighborhood true estate auctions. Verify them all to view what are the price ranges after which select what you’ll need.

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This article wasn’t easy to read

Ideas on How to meet Ladies along at the Mall

If you can be just one guy and aren’t the best at getting a lot of less meeting ladies and are wondering where exactly you would possibly head to unearth and satisfy a young girl, then these ten sensible hints on how to meet a young lady on the local mall, should arrive in mighty handy.

1 – Go towards the foodstuff court. Think it or not, the meals court may be the absolute optimal place in your local mall to fulfill a woman. Here’s what you do. Pick a foods place and get in line for your meal. Whereas you , yourself are in line, glance close to the area wherever everyone is seated and eating. Check for the girlfriend sitting down alone, as well as two women sitting down together. When you could have your meal in hand, walk over to in which she or they may be sitting and find out if you can actually join them. If you’re honest and straightforward with them, your probabilities are quite excellent.

2- Do some contemplating. Prior to you even contemplate planning towards the local mall to fulfill a female, sit yourself down and do some major considering. Take into consideration how you would possibly match a girlfriend and what you could possibly say to her if you are usually flourishing. Give thought to which parts for this mall you’ll pay a visit to. Also, you are about to should acquire a thing when there, what do you need? At last, start thinking about what meeting a woman in a public spot entails. Surely you will ought to take a look to get a wedding ring previous to speaking to some woman, and you can really need to contemplate if it’s wiser to speak with a chick alone or just one who’s with others. As a final point, you may have to get sensible about your own age and also ages of a girl you need to meet. As in, you can expect to really have to inform on your own to get practical and do not have a shot at to fulfill ladies which have been a lot younger or older than one is, or that appear out of one’s league.

3 – Ask for facilitate. The moment you can be finally along at the shopping mall, one of a procedures to satisfy women is by asking them for benefit. Women understand that men have no plan what they can be executing once they are buying, so asking for boost will not appear such a ridiculous concept. Ask for enable in picking out a jacket for by yourself one example is. Working on so let’s the woman know that you just are single. If she agrees to help you, check with her other queries as you grab completely different jackets to consider on.

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A number of ladies will agree with me that most with the husbands are very lazy in relation to purchasing for their wives! Certainly, these males really like their wives a lot that they’d promise the moon as well as the stars, however the thought of proceeding a mile though using spouse towards the surprise store will set them off. Effectively, this 12 calendar months, Christmas looking suggestions will provide out the most beneficial in you when you go looking for the dear spouse!

As it’s often observed, all of the males usually appreciate to attend functions and functions with their wives. They’d also go distances collectively to meet the close friends and their weddings. They’d definitely go to all of the wild and not-so-wild events jointly. They’d even go towards the restaurants as well as the garden and invest beautiful hrs there jointly. But ask them to go Christmas buying, plus they turn into nervous!

Effectively dear husbands, you might completely enjoy to go out and provide property a wonderful Christmas existing immediately after reading this! This write-up will demonstrate you that you will find an excellent amount of things that your spouse will merely adore. It are going to be your second when she sees the gifts with broad eyes and amazement written all more than her stunning face.

Christmas is really a time to spread really like, as well as your spouse would most probable be thankful for the Christmas present and you possibly can assume a factor extremely unique on this unique working day from her!

Perfectly, to have together even though using concept of getting a attractive Christmas treat — do you don’t forget her watching one issue with large amount of expectancy whenever you jointly did window-shopping the final time? She might have recommended planning within and searching at it additional closely. Obviously, I’m not talking concerning the “Cadillac” and even that exotic mink gown! But certainly there was some thing far more inexpensive!

So, what are you currently waiting for? Go and get that factor wrapped within the ideal gift-wrapper! It will probably be a second of life-time to view her amazement when that point gets out on the box! I assure you – The awesome “lovely party” as well as the “blessed togetherness” feeling will undoubtedly final right up until perfectly right after the New Yr, and deep to the future 12 several weeks.

Or, have you forgotten what she secretly preferred to acquire for herself? Then why do not you believe of one factor unique your self? Getting no clues? Nicely, open individuals free of charge supplementary magazines that arrived although using morning newspaper. You might uncover a lot of points which you can invest in. But don’t invest in from mail order advertisers. Go out personally on the present store or Macy’s, and get it. Even if it charges 20 % much more! The returns you may get from a pleased spouse will outscore that 20% anytime!

A great surprise with some gorgeous flowers will make your spouse very delighted. She will really like you a lot much more for remembering to obtain her a genuine surprise. That minor treat is going to be remembered to get a lifetime. Is this proceeding to become your initial Christmas existing for the dear spouse in an excellent quantity of many years? Nicely, I assure you this, you might be likely to blame your self for not obtaining done this attractive gesture for a terrific quantity of many years!

Why! I just imagined from the ideal Christmas existing that I’m planning to give my spouse this time. It is really a new private web page that she often secretly desired. It is going to be a internet site or possibly a versatile weblog that she usually desired. She may be the world’s very best cook along with a home-maker! This tiny Christmas existing will allow her exceptional recipes to come to be world-famous one morning! It’ll also be considered a surprise which will be seriously used every one of the 12 calendar months by her.

So, why do not you as well give your spouse a web page because Christmas reward! It may perhaps turn into the most effective in its niche one morning! That minor current might perfectly immediately turn out to become her best delight and her dream-come-true! It also won’t price you a fortune to buy a domain name and in addition a internet site, however it are going to be likely the most innovative and cherished reward to her! Give her the very best Christmas existing this 12 calendar months that will give her several hours soon after several hours of expressed fulfillment, and may possibly effectively provide out the very best artist in her. With that internet site or weblog, she may even change out to come to be the envy on the neighborhood, and also you, the hero of her existence!

Any lady secretly loves and appreciates when her dear husband goes out and buys her the very best minor presents. Individuals products may possibly not be as well expensive, however the affection that you simply will get in return will merely be one with the most useful. Get her that small factor she secretly desired, and also you knew this then, when you window-shopped jointly. It really is mentioned that money can acquire everything but not adore and joy. But this small Christmas existing is heading to have you a lot enjoy and joy that it will probably be remembered till “eternity” by each. Get it as her Christmas treat and get showered with her delight. Will you really feel blessed? I bet!

Merry Christmas to each you as well as your incredibly dear spouse!

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Why Should I Choose UniqueHoodia?

is a cactus-like plant that originates from the Kalahari Desert and has been used for centuries for its well documented appetite suppressant qualities. This rare plant has been a staple diet of the Sans tribesman to keep them going without very little sustinence for many days and even weeks on long, arduous treks and hunting trips. The astonishing weight loss properties of this very unique cacti has now been revealed and UniqueHoodia was born.
UniqueHoodia is one of many weight loss supplements that choose to ultilise Hoodia Gordonii as the primary ingredient to help the user eat less food and calories and as a result, lose weight. What makes UniqueHoodia better than the rest is that it uses totally organic Hoodia Gordonii, so you can be certain that you’re getting the real thing and not a poor imitation and that you are buying a product that in actual fact does work.

UniqueHoodia will safely and effectively suppress your craving, meaning that you will eat less calories and achieve a huge reduction in body fat. This makes UniqueHoodia a particularly helpful solution for those who go too far and consume too much of the wrong foods, for example; fatty, high calorific, starchy foods. The amazing properties of this plant will let you to eat a considerably lesser amount and hence, start to burn fat and lose weight!

Many companies claim that their diet pills are also made from the loved Hoodia Gordonii plant but this is very deceptive. More often than not they are not producedfrom the real Gordonii plant itself but from another Hoodia species, it is all too easy to trick the buyer by saying one’s product is made from ‘Hoodia.’ If any Hoodia does reside in the product It is expected to contain such an trivial amount that it is not expected to have any real effect on your weight whatsoever.
With UniqueHoodia, you will get 460 mg of in its pure and natural state. This is just the correct amount to eradicate 2,000 calories from your diet which could enable you to drop off between 1lb – 5lb a week. As UniqueHoodia is coming straight from the plant, there is no need todoubt the safety of the product, there are no fillers, binders or hidden extras, meaning absolutely no side effects just a better than most weight loss result.

UniqueHoodia is a very cost effective answer to your weight loss woes, you get 30 more tablets than what is offered with more inferior Hoodia goods at a truly inexpensive price. In addition you have an guaranteed 6 month money back guarantee which means you can have utter faith in UniqueHoodia, unlike other rival products on the market you can feel satisfied that the suppliers have so much faith in their goods that you will lose weight and attain the physique of your dreams all at no risk and low cost. Do not delay, experience the marvel of UniqueHoodia for yourselves today.

Hoodia Gordonii – Read full review

Why Should I Choose UniqueHoodia?
– is a cactus-like plant that originates from the Kalahari Desert and has been used for many years for its well noted appetite suppressant abilities. This rare plant has been a staple diet of the Sans tribesman to keep them going without very little food for several days and even weeks on long, labourious treks and hunting trips. The astonishing weight loss properties of this very exceptional cacti has now been revealed and UniqueHoodia was launched.
UniqueHoodia is one of many weight loss pills that choose to ultilise Hoodia Gordonii as the chief ingredient to help the user consume less food and calories and consequently, lose weight. What makes UniqueHoodia head and shoulders above the rest is that it uses totally organic Hoodia Gordonii, so you can be sure that you’re getting the real deal and not a poor replication and that you are buying a product that in actual fact does exceed its expectations.
UniqueHoodia will safely and efficiently suppress your appetite, meaning that you will eat less calories and gain a huge reduction in body fat. This makes UniqueHoodia a particularly useful solution for those who go overboard and devour too much of the wrong foods, for example; fatty, high calorific, starchy foods. The remarkable attributes of this plant will allow you to eat a substantially lesser amount and hence, start to burn fat and lose unwanted fat!
Many companies claim that their diet pills are also made from the valued Hoodia Gordonii plant but this is very dishonest. More often than not they are not producedfrom the real Gordonii plant itself but from another Hoodia variety, it is all too easy to trick the buyer by claiming one’s product is made from ‘Hoodia.’ If any Hoodia does reside in the product It is expected to contain such an insignificant amount that it is unlikely to have any real effect on your weight at all.
With UniqueHoodia, you will get 460 mg of – in its pure and natural form. This is just the proper amount to eliminate 2,000 calories from your diet which could enable you to shed between 1lb – 5lb a week. Because UniqueHoodia is coming directly from the plant, there is no need toquestion the safety of the product, there are no fillers, binders or hidden extras, meaning entirely no side effects just a extraordinary weight loss result. UniqueHoodia is a very cost effective solution to your weight loss woes, you get 30 more pills than what is given with more inferior Hoodia products at a truly inexpensive price. In addition you have an guaranteed 6 month money back guarantee which means you can have utter faith in UniqueHoodia, dissimilar to other competitors on the market you can feel confident that the makers have so much belief in their product that you will lose weight and get the physique of your dreams all at no risk and low cost. Do not wait, experience the marvel of –
for yourselves straight away.

Why Should I Choose UniqueHoodia?

– is a cactus-like plant that comes from the Kalahari Desert and has been used for hundreds of years for its renowned appetite suppressant qualities. This unusual plant has been a staple diet of the Sans tribesman to keep them going without very little sustinence for many days and even weeks on long, gruelling treks and hunting trips. The amazing weight loss attributes of this very special cacti has now came to light and UniqueHoodia was launched.
UniqueHoodia is one of many weight loss supplements that choose to use Hoodia Gordonii as the chief ingredient to help the user eat less food and calories and therefore, lose weight. What makes UniqueHoodia head and shoulders above the rest is that it uses totally pure Hoodia Gordonii, so you can be sure that you’re getting the real thing and not a poor copy and that you are paying for a product that really does deliver.

UniqueHoodia will safely and successfully suppress your craving, meaning that you will consume less calories and get a huge reduction in body fat. This makes UniqueHoodia a particularly helpful solution for those who go overboard and devour too much of the wrong foods, for example; fatty, high calorific, starchy foods. The amazing properties of this plant will allow you to eat a substantially lesser amount and hence, begin to burn fat and lose the flab!

Many retailers claim that their diet pills are also made from the precious – Hoodia Gordonii plant but this is very deceptive. More often than not they are not made from the genuine Gordonii plant itself but from another Hoodia variety, it is all too easy to dupe the buyer by claiming one’s product is devised from ‘Hoodia.’ If any Hoodia does reside in the product It is likely to contain such an tiny amount that it is unlikely to have any real consequence on your weight at all.
With UniqueHoodia, you will get 460 mg of in its pure and natural state. This is just the proper amount to do away with 2,000 calories from your diet which could enable you to shed between 1lb – 5lb a week. Because UniqueHoodia is coming straight from the plant, there is no need toquestion the safety of the product, there are no fillers, binders or hidden extras, meaning absolutely no side effects just a extraordinary weight loss result.

UniqueHoodia is most definitely a cost effective solution to your weight loss worries, you get 30 more supplements than what is given with more not always cheaper- products at a truly inexpensive price. In addition you have an guaranteed 6 month money back guarantee which means you can have complete faith in UniqueHoodia, – dissimilar to other competitors on the market you can feel in no doubt that the makers have so much belief in their product that you will lose weight and get the figure of your dreams all at no risk and low cost. Do not wait, experience the marvel of UniqueHoodia for yourselves right now.

Hoodia Gordonii – Read full review

Can I Lose Weight With UniqueHoodia?
– is a cactus-like plant that originates from the Kalahari Desert and has been used for many years for its well noted appetite suppressant abilities. This unusual plant has been a staple diet of the Sans tribesman to keep them going without very little food for many days and even weeks on long, labourious treks and hunting trips. The impressive weight loss attributes of this very unique cacti has now came to light and UniqueHoodia was born.
UniqueHoodia is one of many weight loss pills that choose to ultilise Hoodia Gordonii as the sole ingredient to help the user consume less food and calories and consequently, lose weight. What makes UniqueHoodia head and shoulders above the rest is that it uses totally organic Hoodia Gordonii, so you can be positive that you’re getting the real deal and not a poor copy and that you are buying a product that truly does deliver.
UniqueHoodia will safely and efficiently suppress your appetite, meaning that you will eat less calories and get a huge reduction in body fat. This makes UniqueHoodia a particularly effective solution for those who go overboard and devour too much of the wrong foods, for example; fatty, high calorific, starchy foods. The remarkable properties of this plant will let you to eat a substantially lesser amount and hence, begin to burn fat and lose the flab!
Many companies claim that their diet pills are also made from the precious Hoodia Gordonii plant but this is very dishonest. More often than not they are not made from the real Gordonii plant itself but from another Hoodia variety, it is all too easy to trick the buyer by claiming one’s product is devised from ‘Hoodia.’ If any Hoodia does reside in the product It is expected to contain such an tiny amount that it is unlikely to have any real consequence on your weight whatsoever.
With UniqueHoodia, you will get 460 mg of – in its pure and natural form. This is just the right amount to do away with 2,000 calories from your diet which could enable you to shed between 1lb – 5lb a week. Since UniqueHoodia is coming straight from the plant, there is no need todoubt the safety of the product, there are no fillers, binders or hidden extras, meaning entirely no side effects just a better than most weight loss result. UniqueHoodia is an extremely cost effective solution to your weight loss worries, you get 30 more supplements than what is given with more inferior Hoodia goods at a truly reasonable price. What’s more you have an iron clad 6 month money back guarantee which means you can have complete faith in UniqueHoodia, unlike other competitors on the market you can feel in no doubt that the manufacturers have so much faith in their product that you will lose weight and get the body of your dreams all at no risk and low cost. Do not delay, experience the full effect of –
for yourselves right now.
Hoodia Gordonii – Read full review

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