Simplicidade, praticidade, leveza. Produtos para a vida real.

Produtos para a vida real.

Compre aqui!

Tour at Beautymart in London and +


Guys, I have several videos I made “off Dia de Beauté” to share with you! Sometimes I tell about it only on Instagram, but not everyone sees it right? I decided to gather it all in one post! Starting with my new beauty show for TV Vogue. Vogue’s website changed, and together with that a super nice video channel was released, with shows from all the editorials. It’s worth to check, they are all here – my show it’s called “Beauté por aí” (Beauté here and there) and comes out once a month!

For the debut, I did a tour at BeautyMART, one of the stores I like most in London, with Anna-Marie Solowij, one of the partners (and former beauty editor for British Vogue)

Another very cool thing was to be part of the last episode of Desafio da Beleza, on GNT, that was broadcasted this week. You have no idea of the tension it is to be a judge – I had been in another season of the TV show, but the final was crazy!

You cannot embed the video, but you can watch it here on GNT’s website

desafio da beleza
With the dear hosts Torquatto, Mari Weickert and Ricardo dos Anjos and the other guest judge, Fause Haten (my dress, since several people asked, is by Topshop!)

And how funny are the girls from Enjoei? They decided to make a “Halloween special” and I was one of the guests to… transform myself in a witch! Check Griselda Aranha (hahaha) on the video below and my other witchcraft friend here on Enjoei’s website

bruxa griselda

And to end, a link: my dears from Chic, my first “home” in my journalism journey, wrote an article about my beauty vanity in London, how I organize the products and all! Here for the ones who want to read/see

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{Translated by Ana de Almeida}

{Video direction: Camila Guerreiro @studiocamilaguerreiro}


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