TV Beyond Beauté: my sunglasses
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While Beyond Beauté, the section where I’ll feature fashion and lifestyle content, is under construction, we’ll do a warm up by filming a few videos on subjects other than beauty. So today I’m sharing with you my sunglasses collection – not only because it’s an accessory that I love, but also it’s possibly the thing that makes you comment the most out of everything I wear on pictures, Snapchat etc!
My collection is a mix of new, old, vintage, high street, niche brand… A bit of everything!
Hope you like it
My sunglasses:
Gucci (past collection)
Panamá – RetroSuperFuture (here)
Ray Ban (past collection)
Karen Walker (past collection)
Paloma – RetroSuperFuture (here)
Gucci (past collection)
Topshop (past collection)
Persol vintage (past collection)
Wayfarer – Ray Ban (here)
Clubmaster – Ray Ban (here)
Exquise – Dior (here)
Le Specs (past collection)
Sophie Gass (past collection)
Aviador – Ray Ban (here)
Ray Ban (past collection)
Livo Eyewear (past collection)
Topshop (past collection)
Nail Polish in Trianon – Dior (here)
Cocoon Rings
Victoria Sayeg Fake Piercing
Zara Shirt
{Video edition: Renata G. Corrêa}
{Translated by Ana de Almeida}