Vlog: Paris Haute Couture and +
“Vlog” is a nice way to put it, because this video ended up becoming a set of snapchat clips merged together! How crazy it is to vlog and Snapchat at the same time, I totally didn’t manage, ended up using Snapchat and abandoning the vlog, but in the end I thought it was worth gathering it all in a video… After all, Snapchat is so ephemeral, and I wanted to have a more permanent record of these days I spent in Paris for Haute Couture Fashion Week, for Vogue Brazil, and with my family during the weekend!
I wouldn’t say this is the ideal thing to do, but it was worth trying! (Except for the time when saving “my Story” had a glitch and I lost half of day 2, sadly, but we managed hahaha #bloggerfail)
Anyway – I hope you enjoy the video despite all the mess!
{Video edition: Renata G. Correa}
{Translated by Ana de Almeida}