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Vic + Space NK – the Beauty Intelligence campaign! Vlog & more


You cannot imagine how happy/excited/over the moon I got when Space NK, one of my all time favourite beauty stores, invited me to be part of their new campaign. It’s the spring campaign, where they show the trends for the season (and several new products), and this year they called 6 women who love beauty, each from one area – I am representing the beauty bloggers – to wear these trends.

The campaign, which is called Beauty Intelligence, is out today and will be in live during February, in all Space NK stores in the UK (64) and in the US (24) – it will be so crazy to see myself featured in their windows – besides the website, social media and the magazine they send to clients and have available in stores. Amazing… I am very happy and thankful for this incredible opportunity!

I filmed a vlog on the shooting day, which took place in London in the end of November last year, to share a bit of the moment with you – luckily they sent over a bit of the making of to enhance my humble vlog! I also shared below the oficial Space NK’s behind the scenes video and, of course, the two final images (group and individual ones), plus a few backstage photos & a super special invitation if you happen to be in New York on the 12th and 13th of February.

Ah – my trend is Bold x Bare, red x nude lipstick, and besides loving the theme (you can imagine!!) I loved the idea for the photo, with the mirror and the “two Vics” reflection…

Products used:
Nude = Saint Lip Tint in Pinky Nude – Lipstick Queen
Red = Intense Matte Lip Colour in Stiletto – Nudestix (not out yet, I will let you know soon)
Red nail polish = Kundalini Hustle – Smith & Cult

Makeup by Karen Alder

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“Nude” me with my red lips reflection…

space nk group
And the group shot! The other women featured are, clockwise from the top: hairstylist MJ Tollo, Elle UK’s beauty director Sophie Beresiner, co-founder of Mauli Rituals Anital Kaushal, DJ Princess Julia and makeup artist Becky Fletcher

Behind the scenes:

A bit of the making of:

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Super concentrated – I have a bit of a trouble posing for photos!

And to wrap the post, an invitation for those who are in New York on the 12th and 13th of February

Victoria Ceridono at Space NK_1
Woo-hoo! I will be in NY for two events with Space NK, on the 12th of February at the new SoHo store and on the 13th of February at Bloomingdale’s on 59th. We’ll talk about trends, nude and red lipsticks & we’ll even have a few DDB books available to buy/sign right there and then!! I’ll be waiting for you there ;)

And for those who live in London… I don’t have an official invitation yet, but this Thursday, 4th of February, there will be the official launch of the Hans Crescent campaign at Space NK, in Knightsbridge – all DDB readers are super invited to show up between 12h and 14h! {At this event there won’t be books available, but I am planning a book launch in London soon, so keep an eye here for more news}

{Video edition: Renata G. Corrêa}

{Translated by Ana de Almeida}


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