Video: Gankin, Japanese facial massage
Here is January’s episode of Beauté Por Aí, my monthly program for Vogue Brazil’s online TV channel
I got to know – and learn, to share with you – Gankin, a Japanese facial massage developed by Suqqu, an also Japanese (and incredible) brand. The idea is to work the muscles of the face to avoid sagging, to tone the skin… I truly believe in the power of these massages and I think it is a great habit to incorporate in your beauty routine – the sooner, the better.
Check it out in the video and, if you are interested, there is a PDF available to download on their website with an illustrated step by step. I am doing it on a regular basis and loving it!
(And how hard I laughed with my expressions in this video hahah, but there isno other way right, facial massage is just like this…)
For those who live in or are visiting London and want to get Gankin, you’ll find it on Suqqu’s corner at Fenwick, the department store in Bond Street.
{Video direction: Camila Guerreiro @studiocamilaguerreiro}
{Translated by Ana de Almeida}