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TV Beauté Express: wavy hair made easy


This edition is called curling iron tricks cause, for real, there isno way you cannot manage how todo iton your own! It’s much easier than it seems, and with a bit of practice you will get the hang ofit;)

Two things I didn’t mention in the video –
. If your curling iron has a tension handle you can just ignore, onmy humble opinion it only disturbs when you do iton your own and it won’t make a difference in terms of heating if you keep it closed
. I have been using the Miracurl very little because I find it more practical and quick to use a normal curling iron and with the Miracurl you need todoit perfectly all over the hair – but I still think itis a great tool for the ones who cannot use the normal curling iron on their own, I have several friends who found themselves through the Miracurl!


  • CI-96S1 Silk Ultimate Styler – Remington
  • Matte Texture Spray – Windle and Moodie
  • Luminous Hairspray – MoroccanOil (I showed it but didn’t use it)
  • Dry Shampoo XXL Volume – Batiste

Nail Polish in Victoria – Granado Pink
LOOL by Vic Ceridono Earrings (
Accessorize Ring
Michael Kors Shirt

{Translated by Ana de Almeida}

{Video edition: Renata G. Corrêa}


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