Simplicidade, praticidade, leveza. Produtos para a vida real.

Produtos para a vida real.

Compre aqui!

Behind the scenes: the making of my book


I am SO excited to share this video with you! I was so looking forward to this day… Here is the making of my book! Dia de Beauté: Um guia de maquiagem para a vida real (a makeup guide for real life) I am even attached to the title hahah

I posted the teaser some weeks ago and now we have the full video – the idea was to show the backstage of the photoshoots, the dimension of the production (and the beauty ofit hehehe #modesty, but I had the best team in the world!), and also a bit of the “seeing the diagrammed pages for the first time” moment and making the first revision with the editor.

I cannot believe the book is now coming to bookstores all over Brazil and also at the homes of the ones who bought it during pre-sale, I am going bananas seeing all the photos you’ve been posting on Instagram! Always tag them with #livroddb because I want to follow and know what you think of it!

To download and English excerpt of the DDB book, click here

{Translated by Ana de Almeida}

Film crew: Wesley Allen
Victor Nomoto
Rodrigo Esper
Hick Duarte
Edition and direction: Hick Duarte


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