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TV Beauté: Dolce & Gabbana inspired hairstyle


This week’s TV Beauté was published yesterday on YouTube, but I didn’t manage to post it here on the blog! (Actually, it is worth reminding that who subscribes to the YT channel gets a notification when a new video is published ;) go there to subscribe)

But well, as I mentioned on the last video, I did my version – veeeery non professional, let’s clarify this hehehe – of the hairstyle the models had on the Dolce & Gabbana show! It’s a hairstyle I love and wear a lot. I hope you enjoy!

The makeup is the same from last week’s video, also inspired by the Dolce & Gabbana show – it’s here if you want to see the tutorial and the products I used!

For this video I only used bobby pins and the (vintage) necklace on the head hahah!

Nail Polish in Massai – Dior

{Translated by Ana de Almeida}

{Video edition: Renata G. Corrêa}


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